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Books reviewed by Aletha Anne Bloor

Lessons by Ian McEwan
The only book. I've been reading lately and not yet got to the end! All I can say when half way through is that it contains a lot more sex than piano lessons than I expected! However I like his style of writing and find him easy to carry my eye on to see what happens. 
(bwl 110 Autumn 2023)

My Friend Flicka by Mary O'Hara
I'm indulging myself by reviewing a book given to me by my great-Aunt which - with the others in the trilogy - I have read and re-read throughout the years - too many to reveal. The adult emotions were difficult for a 7 year old but then and now, I find It is the most wonderful portrayal of a Mid-West farming family in the thirties. The youngest son, struggling to understand the world, is given a foal for his birthday and from this stems a mixture of joy and sorrow. A definite must for anyone who relishes stories filled with every kind of emotion.
(bwl 89 Summer 2018)

Owen by Tony Riches
I hated history at school but have become passionate about historical fiction and Philippa Gregory's books in particular. Owen - the first in a trilogy - features the life of Owen Tudor the founder of the Tudor Dynasty and how it came about with all its twists and turns. It is written from the male point of view and I found it fascinating in its detail and well put together making it a good fast running read which I found hard to put down.
(bwl 86 Autumn 2017)

The Gustav Sonata by Rose Tremain
I was captivated by Tremain's Restoration (bwl 16) but have found many of her other books hard-going. This one is a a delight, you have to keep going to see 'what happened next'! WW II is over, Gustav's mother seems strangely cold, his father has mysteriously died, his childhood is a lonely one. Life is transformed when he meets Anton and the ensuing years see his struggle with the hopes, fears and feelings which we all experience. An easy rewarding read.
(bwl 84 Spring 2017)